Multiselect CI

The OTRS system enables creation of dynamic fields of various types in the administration interface, e.g. Text, Date / Time, Dropdown or Checkbox. A list of Key-Value pairs can be created for each field and offered for selection in process input forms.

The extension Multiselect CI implements a new type of dynamic field that allows you to select configuration items from a given class that will be automatically paired to the ticket.

As an example, the selection from the Systems class list we will be used.

In the Dynamic fields setting we have defined a field of the Multiselect CI type for the Systems class.

In one of the process application steps, the user selects 3 systems from the list

and after the confirmation the pairing of selected systems to the ticket will be created.

For more information regarding this and other extensions, please, contact us via our contact form.

Link to Extend IT extensions.